Tuesday, September 28, 2010


What is The Favourite Foods of Prophet Muhammad SAW ? Foods of Prophet Muhammad s.a.w -Lessons learned from “The Book Of Sufi Healing”.Honey the food of foods,the drink of drinks and the drug of drugs! “And the earth hath He appointed for His Creatures Wherein are fruit and sheathed palm trees Husked grain and scented herb Which is it of these favors of your Lord that ye deny?” Quran -Sura Ar-Rahmann(55) : Verses 10-13 Ramli is fortunate to read this great book titled “The Book of Sufi Healing” by Shaykh Hakim Moinuddin Chishti.Ramli bought this book in 1989 and like all his past and recent purchases of books,magazines and all kinds of reading materials including soft copies,Ramli now have a good collection in his simple Personal Library plus all his materials from his work as a Consultant in many areas of Training & Consultancy like Mgmt Devmt,Leadership,Corp U,TQM,Team Building,High Performance Culture,Revolusi Aksi -from his 1st book,sports,trading and subjects that have captivated Ramli at a young age.Basically,Ramli is a “serious collector” and “crazy” about all areas of knowledge enhancement and accumulation. OK,lets pick some highlights on this Book of Sufi Healing which Ramli had a personal experience yesterday! Last night,Ramli felt again this uneasiness in his body like some kind of gastric pain and like some incidents before Ramli will go to the hospital and get medical treatment as best as possible.Usually,Ramli will feel better when the Doctor prescribe to swallow the “magnesium solution based” and that give the great relief of the gastric uneasiness.Unfortunately Ramli did not keep any of that medication at home and that create  “great discomfort” for Ramli. As usual Ramli decided to do some “sunat” prayers since it was almost 3 am and after completing them,he saw this Book of Sufi Healing and decided to read the chapters on what kind of remedies are there as practiced by the Sufis and as thought by the Holy Prophet saw almost 1431 years ago . On Chapter 6 of the book ie.Foods of Prophet saw-there was many explanation on types of foods that we can consume or make the concoction (formula-recipe) where Inshallah we can get relief or recover from the sickness. So,the food listed under HONEY was what Ramli wanted to try immediately. Let’s read about Honey: Allah has said”:There comes forth,from within (the bee),a beverage of many colors in which there is a healing for you.” Mixed with hot water,and taken in several small doses,honey is considered the best remedy for diarrhea. The Prophet saw once said,”By Him in whose hand is my soul,eat honey.For those is no house in which honey is kept for which the angels will not ask for mercy.If a person eats honey,a thousand remedies enter his stomach and a million diseases will come out.If a man dies and honey is found within him,fire will not touch his body (ie.he will be immune from the burning of hell.).”The Prophet saw himself used to drink a glass of honey and water each morning on an empty stomach. Honey is considered the food of foods,the drink of drinks,and the drug of drugs. It is used for creating appetite,strengthening the stomach,and eliminating phlegm;as a meat preservative,hair conditioner,eye salve,and mouthwash. The best honey is that produced in the spring;the second best is that of summer,and the least quality is produced in winter. So,Ramli quickly swallowed some honey and mixed with hot water as described in this Great Book. Alhamdulillah,Ramli began to feel better and slowly managed to sleep till the call for the Fajr Prayers in the morning. Hopefully,YOU too will take note of this great healing power of Honey and with Allah SWT Blessings YOU will get the many benefits esp the health effects to your body and soul as what Allah SWT have indicated in the Quran as stated above.Allahuakbar!Allah The Greatest!

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